ОНЛАЙН КУРС: "Басқарудың өнеркәсіптік объектілерін сәйкестендірудің заманауи әдістері"

09.12.2022 Все объявления

The online course will be held at the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev from 12/12/2022 to 12/31/2022 at 10.00 a.m. The theme is "Modern Methods for Identification of Industrial Control Objects". The course program is designed for 72 hours. Training is free. Certificates will be issued to students at the end of the course. 

The course is taught by the candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department "Electronics and Robotics" Adambaev Murat Jamantaevich.

We invite all students of Master’s, PhD programs and faculty.

Applicants must register using the link.

Link to the course: